Russian as a Foreign Language (tutoring in Russian language for foreigners)
Get stuck with Russian and looking for a tutor? Since 2008 Tutors Club Moscow offers private Russian lessons given by a hundred of experienced professionals. All our language teachers can provide recommendations and brief summary on their teaching program. Some recommendations are published on a Club web site, others are available on demand.
Classes are offered with or the use of intermediate language. For any level above an elementary Russian language classes without an intermediate language might be given. Sa for elementary level we strongly recommend to use one of the intermediate languages available: English, Turkish, Arabic, French, Spanish and German.
Club is a small private tutoring agency always ready to meet your needs:
- Choose a convenient place to study. Private lessons may be given at your place (home & office), at your tutors place or held in a public area (café, library etc.)
- Choose your personal study load and hours. You are even able to choose whether you want a course with or without home tasks.
- You can contract your tutor any form you like. In case your company pays for your lessons Tutors Club can do all the paperwork need for contracting. We won?t charge you for this job and we will never charge you for any assistance we do. The only thing you pay for is your lessons.
If you want to choose the tutor, please leave a request on the home page or call directly to our English speaking representative +7 903 509 79 60 Lydia.